
This endpoint returns the subset of news publishers that top headlines (/v2/top-headlines) are available from. It’s mainly a convenience endpoint that you can use to keep track of the publishers available on the API, and you can pipe it straight through to your users.

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Request parameters

  • category

    Find sources that display news of this category. Possible options: businessentertainment general health science sports technology . Default: all categories.

  • language

    Find sources that display news in a specific language. Possible options: ar, de, en, es,fr, he, it, nl, no, pt, ru, se, ud, zh, . Default: all languages.

  • country

    Find sources that display news in a specific country. Possible options: ae, ar, at, au,be, bg, br, ca, ch, cn, co, cu, cz, de, eg, fr, gb, gr, hk, hu, id, ie,il, in, it, jp, kr, lt, lv, ma, mx, my, ng, nl, no, nz, ph, pl, pt, ro,rs, ru, sa, se, sg, si, sk, th, tr, tw, ua, us, ve, za, . Default: all countries.

  • apiKeyREQUIRED

    Your API key. Alternatively you can provide this via the X-Api-Key HTTP header.

Response object

  • statusstring

    If the request was successful or not. Options: ok, error. In the case of error a code and message property will be populated.

  • sourcesarray[source]

    The results of the request.

    • idstring

      The identifier of the news source. You can use this with our other endpoints.

    • namestring

      The name of the news source

    • descriptionstring

      A description of the news source

    • urlstring

      The URL of the homepage.

    • categorystring

      The type of news to expect from this news source.

    • languagestring

      The language that this news source writes in.

    • countrystring

      The country this news source is based in (and primarily writes about).

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